Business Studies Program

Business Studies Program

The First Step on Your Path to Success

To take a leap into the world of business, you need a strong foundation. This is what Business Studies offers. Before choosing a major, you will gain a broad background in the business skills employers want that sets you apart from the rest. 

Why Choose the Business Studies Program at Clarkson University?

Your journey into the business world begins the minute you set foot in the classroom. All undergraduates in the Reh School of Business begin as Business Studies majors. For the first two years of your degree, you will take courses in finance, accounting, data analytics, ethics, marketing, entrepreneurship and other essential topics. This will give you the kind of well-rounded education that employers seek and a chance to explore all the majors we offer before choosing the right one for you.

At Clarkson, you won't have to wait until the end of your studies to put your learning into practice. As a first-year student, you will launch your very own company with a team of peers and pitch it to potential investors. The classes are just as hands-on and collaborative. Faculty will offer guidance and personalized instruction every step of the way. During your sophomore year, you will meet with an advisor to help you decide your next step.

Whatever your goals are, you will find support along the way to help you take advantage of everything that Clarkson University has to offer. As one of the best business schools in the country, we set you up for success.

What You'll Learn

All undergraduate business students take the following courses:

  • AC202 Financial Accounting
  • AC203 Managerial Accounting
  • EC150 Principles of Microeconomics
  • EC151 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • EC311 Introduction to Econometrics
  • IS211 Introduction to Enterprise Information Systems
  • LW270 Law & Society I
  • MA180 Introductory College Mathematics
  • MA181 Basic Calculus
  • MK320 Principles of Marketing
  • OM331 Operations & Supply Chain Management
  • OS286 Organizational Behavior
  • SB113 Entrepreneurship & Business Innovation I
  • STAT282 Statistics
  • Two science courses (one with laboratory)

Gain résumé-worthy experience before you graduate. Apply the skills you've learned in the classroom with an internship or co-op assignment. Start building your network, and learn from professionals in the field. Explore what you can do with your degree, and start envisioning your future. Learn more about co-ops and internship opportunities.

Join a faculty-led research project, and form part of the next generation of problem-solvers. Opportunities are open to undergraduates during the school year and summer sessions. Explore research at Clarkson.

As a first-year business student, you will take Small Business 113: Entrepreneurship and Innovation. In this course, student teams form real companies and later pitch their business plans to investors for funding. This opportunity gives you a chance to gain important hands-on experience that will help you throughout the rest of your studies. You can also fuel your ambitions with the Reh Cup and other entrepreneurial opportunities

Find a community of creators and innovators through Clarkson’s 200-plus student groups. Volunteer with the Clarkson Sustainability Club, explore the great outdoors with the Mountain Bike Club or find long-lasting friendships in one of our fraternities and sororities. Explore all clubs and organizations now.

Use the first two years of your studies to explore our business majors:

Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

Learn how to find, interpret and communicate data to help businesses grow. Coursework includes applied data analytics, database design and management, big data architecture and more. Learn more about the business intelligence and data analytics major.

Engineering and Management

Today's global marketplace requires individuals skilled in the integration of technology, engineering and business management. Clarkson University's Bachelor of Science in Engineering & Management is dually accredited by ABET as an engineering degree and by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACAB) as a business degree. Our unique curriculum combines solid business know-how with technical problem-solving skills in engineering and technology. Learn more about the Engineering & Management major.

Financial Information and Analysis

Graduate with a strong foundation and practical know-how in financial management, investments and accounting. Coursework includes accounting information systems, venture capital and private equity, portfolio management and more. Learn more about the financial information and analysis major.

Global Supply Chain Management

Learn how to optimize every step of the supply chain process, from the initial concept to the delivery of products. Coursework includes strategic sourcing, industrial supply chain economics, management of technology and more. Learn more about the global supply chain management major.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Learn how to develop and grow a business venture by using your creativity, strategy and problem-solving skills. Coursework includes the economics of innovation, introduction to consumer-focused design, commercializing innovation and more. Learn more about the innovation and entrepreneurship major. 

International experience is a requirement for all Reh School of Business undergraduate students. Not only does it open your eyes to whole new experiences, but it also gives you a competitive edge in the job market. Students can choose to study abroad for a semester at one of Clarkson's international partner institutions, participate in one of our Global Business Program trip courses (students participate in a semester-long course, which culminates in a three-week international trip) or travel to nearby Canada for a series of four long-weekend trips. Learn more about all our study abroad opportunities. 

When I realized the major I initially intended to pursue wasn’t the right fit for me, the Reh School advisors quickly took me under their wings and gave me all the tools to succeed, and then some. I thought that I would be behind and lonely, but I couldn’t have been more wrong: the staff and faculty make me feel nothing but wanted and important. There is no better feeling than belonging.

Anna Ellithorpe '23, BS in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Career Possibilities

Business degrees open the doors to almost any industry and can be applied in a wide variety of roles. You will graduate prepared for the competitive job marketplace, graduate school or for founding your own business venture.

Some of the roles our students have found success in include:

  • Brand manager
  • CFO
  • Commodity trader
  • Consultant
  • Corporate procurement personnel
  • IT analyst
  • Management accountant
  • Recruiting coordinator
  • SAP analyst
  • Software consultant
  • Sourcing agent
  • Supply chain manager


Our students have found that their skills are in high demand. The Clarkson Class of 2023 had a 99 percent placement rate with an average starting salary of more than $71,000.

Some of the most recent employers of Reh School of Business students include:

  • Amazon
  • Apple
  • Corning
  • ExxonMobil
  • General Dynamics
  • BNY Mellon
  • BOSE
  • Epic
  • Fidelity Investments
  • GE
  • Accenture
  • British Petroleum
  • Goldman Sachs
  • IBM
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Northwestern Mutual
  • Anheuser-Busch Companies
  • Deloitte
  • Veritas Prime

Graduate Schools

Many of our graduates choose to pursue advanced degree programs. Many have pursued graduate degrees through Coulter School of Engineering or Reh School of Business programs, including the accelerated MBA, or Clarkson's other graduate programs. Other graduate schools where our students have recently enrolled include:

  • Boston College
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Duke University
  • IESEG School of Management
  • New York University
  • University of Michigan

Contact Us 

Reh School of Business
Phone: 315-268-6613

Interested in learning more about the Business Studies program? Contact the Reh School of Business today with your questions.

2023 Undergrad University Placement Rate

Scholarships and Financial Aid

We believe in investing in the leaders of tomorrow. In addition to merit-based awards and needs-based grants, we offer business-focused programs to help you afford your education.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Launch Your Future

This is where your path to success begins. Take the next step to earning a business degree from Clarkson University.