
The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are:

The educational objectives for the AE program are to produce esball国际apps who

PEO1:能熟练运用工程方法解决与设计相关的专业问题, 发展, 制造, and maintenance of aircraft and related systems and understand the 社会, 道德, 以及他们工作的环境背景.

PEO2: communicate clearly with diverse and inter国家 communities, collaborate competently in cross-functional teams, and assume leadership roles while meeting the expectations of their employers.

PEO3: habitually engage in 专业 发展.


In order to prepare our esball国际apps to attain these objectives, 我们希望我们的毕业生能够达到以下的学生成就:

SO1:识别的能力, 制定, and solve complex 工程 problems by applying principles of 工程 科学, 和数学.  

SO2:能够运用工程设计,在考虑公共健康的情况下,提出满足特定需求的解决方案, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素.

SO3: An ability to communicate 有效的ly with a range of audiences.

有能力在工程环境中认识到道德和专业责任,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of 工程 solutions in global, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景.

在团队中有效工作的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标.

SO6: An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, 分析和解释数据, and use 工程 judgment to draw conclusions.


The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are:

The educational objectives for the ASE program are to produce esball国际apps who

PEO1:能熟练运用工程方法解决与设计相关的专业问题, 发展, 制造, and maintenance of aerospace and related systems and understand the 社会, 道德, 以及他们工作的环境背景.

PEO2: communicate clearly with diverse and inter国家 communities, collaborate competently in cross-functional teams, and assume leadership roles while meeting the expectations of their employers.

PEO3: habitually engage in 专业 发展.


In order to prepare our esball国际apps to attain these objectives, 我们希望我们的毕业生能够达到以下的学生成就:

SO1:识别的能力, 制定, and solve complex 工程 problems by applying principles of 工程 科学, 和数学.  

SO2:能够运用工程设计,在考虑公共健康的情况下,提出满足特定需求的解决方案, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素.

SO3: An ability to communicate 有效的ly with a range of audiences.

有能力在工程环境中认识到道德和专业责任,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of 工程 solutions in global, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景.

在团队中有效工作的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标.

SO6: An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, 分析和解释数据, and use 工程 judgment to draw conclusions.


The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are:


PEO1: practice chemical 工程* in continuing and emerging fields and/or

PEO2: be successful in pursuing advanced degrees

PEO3: be motivated to continually develop their knowledge and skills by, 例如, taking continuing education or industry training course(s), and acquiring 专业 工程 certification

PEO4: contribute to society and the 工程 profession.

*Here we define chemical 工程 as the discipline that requires a thorough grounding in 化学 and a working knowledge of advanced 化学; material and energy balances applied to chemical processes; thermodynamics of physical and chemical equilibria; heat, mass and momentum transfer; chemical reaction 工程; continuous and stage-wise separation processes; process dynamics and control; process design and appropriate modern experimental and computing techniques.  


SO1:识别的能力, 制定, and solve complex 工程 problems by applying principles of 工程 科学, 和数学.  

SO2:能够运用工程设计,在考虑公共健康的情况下,提出满足特定需求的解决方案, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素.

SO3:  An ability to communicate 有效的ly with a range of audiences.

有能力在工程环境中认识到道德和专业责任,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of 工程 solutions in global, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景.

在团队中有效工作的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标.

SO6:  An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, 分析和解释数据, and use 工程 judgment to draw conclusions.


The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are:

该计划的教育目标支持土木与环境工程系的使命, 通过优质的本科教育,培养有才能、有上进心的人才,使他们成为成功的专业人士, esball国际app, 专业的继续教育项目高度重视学生与教师的接触和互动.


PEO2:毕业生将成为具有有效沟通能力的土木工程专业人员, 团队合作, 和领导能力.

PEO3:毕业生将成为全面发展的公民,利用他们的教育为公共利益服务, with an understanding of their 专业 and 道德 responsibilities.[1]

PEO4:毕业生将成为智力发展的土木工程专业人员, 持续的创新, 以及终身学习的承诺.


The Student Outcomes to Ensure Achievement of PEOs are:

SO1a:  Students will have the ability 识别, 制定, 并通过应用数学原理(包括微分方程)解决复杂的工程问题。, 微积分物理, 化学, 地理空间表示, 应用统计学, 以及土木工程原理. (ABET criteria 3, outcome 1)(解决PEO1)

SO1b:学生将体验, and have the ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, 包括实验室实验, 测量多种现象, 分析和解释数据, and use 工程 judgement to draw conclusions.  (ABET标准3,结果6)(解决PEO1)

SO1c:  Students will have the ability to apply 工程 design to produce solutions that meet specified needs for the public good[1].  (ABET标准3,结果2)(解决PEO1)

学生将具备运用学习策略和现代工程工具的能力, 识别, 制定 and design solutions for complex 工程 problems. (ABET标准3,结果7)(解决PEO1)

SO1e:学生将具备至少四个公认的民用重点领域的基本能力. (具体的项目标准, 教唆犯标准3暗示, 结果1, 2, and 6. Addresses in part ABET Criterion 5(c))(地址:PEO1)

SO1f:  Students will have an ability to think creatively, 考虑风险, 作出取舍, and use informed judgement for the public good while functioning as an individual or on a team to solve complex 工程 problems and produce 工程 designs. ABET标准3,结果1、4、5、7和隐含在ABET标准3,结果2和6中.)(地址:PEO1)

SO2a:  Students will have the ability to organize 有效的 and concise 工程 reports and memos for a range of audiences (ABET CRITERION 3, 结果3)(解决PEO2)

SO2b:学生将有能力组织和提供正式的口头报告工程工作,以一系列的观众. (ABET CRITERION 3, 结果3)(解决PEO2)

SO2c:  Students will have the ability to function 有效的ly on diverse, 多学科团队, 谁的成员共同提供领导, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, 建立目标, 计划任务, 满足工程设计解决方案的目标,满足特定需求,同时考虑公共利益. (ABET CRITERION 3, outcomes 3 and 5)  (addresses PEO2)

SO3a:  Students will have the ability to recognize and practice 道德, 专业, and 环境 responsibility in 工程 problem solving, 评价, and design based upon knowledge of the humanities and exposure to, 以及对, 环境 quality as well as the NSPE Code of Ethics for Professional Engineers. (ABET CRITERION 3, 结果1, 2, and 4)  (addresses PEO3)

SO3b:学生将有能力理解工程解决方案对环境的影响, and make informed judgements that consider the public good. (ABET CRITERION 3, outcomes 2, and 4) (addresses PEO3)

SO4a:  Students will have an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, 使用适当的学习策略. (ABET标准3,结果7)(解决PEO4)

[1] “The public good”: In the practice of 工程 consideration of public health, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 国家, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素.

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are:

PEO1: Graduates of the 计算机工程 program are expected to have advanced their careers as contributing 专业s who apply hardware and software knowledge strengthened with analytical problem-solving skills in a wide variety of practical applications.

PEO2: Graduates of the 计算机工程 program are expected to have become well-rounded citizens who rely on their 工程 education to serve society with an understanding of their 专业 and 道德 responsibilities.

PEO3: Graduates of the 计算机工程 program are expected to have become 有效的 and responsible collaborators who function well in diverse team environments. 一些毕业生将成为领导者 in their field.

PEO4: Graduates of the 计算机工程 program are expected to have exhibited intellectual growth and pursue continual innovation in computing systems. Those esball国际apps who are extraordinarily talented and motivated to pursue a esball国际app degree should be successful at entering and completing esball国际app studies.


In order to prepare our esball国际apps to attain these objectives, 我们希望我们的毕业生能够达到以下的学生成就:

SO1:识别的能力, 制定, and solve complex 工程 problems by applying principles of 工程, 科学, 和数学

SO2:能够运用工程设计,在考虑公共健康的情况下,提出满足特定需求的解决方案, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素

SO3:  an ability to communicate 有效的ly with a range of audiences

SO4:在工程情况下认识到道德和专业责任的能力,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of 工程 solutions in global, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景

在团队中有效发挥作用的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标

SO6:  an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, 分析和解释数据, and use 工程 judgment to draw conclusions


The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are:

PEO1: Electrical 工程 esball国际apps are expected to apply fundamental electrical 工程 knowledge and analytical problem-solving skills in a wide variety of practical applications.

PEO2: Electrical 工程 esball国际apps are expected to become well-rounded citizens who rely on their electrical 工程 education to serve society with an understanding of their 专业 and 道德 responsibilities.

PEO3: Electrical 工程 esball国际apps are expected to contribute their 电气工程 expertise 有效的ly as members of 工程 teams in diverse environments through communications, 团队合作, 和领导能力.

PEO4:电气工程专业的毕业生应该持续从事专业发展, 展示智力发展, 并通过教育努力和参与专业协会和组织来追求终身学习.


In order to prepare our esball国际apps to attain these objectives, 我们希望我们的毕业生能够达到以下的学生成就:

SO1:识别的能力, 制定, and solve complex 工程 problems by applying principles of 工程, 科学, 和数学

SO2:能够运用工程设计,在考虑公共健康的情况下,提出满足特定需求的解决方案, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素

SO3:  an ability to communicate 有效的ly with a range of audiences

SO4:在工程情况下认识到道德和专业责任的能力,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of 工程 solutions in global, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景

在团队中有效发挥作用的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标

SO6:  an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, 分析和解释数据, and use 工程 judgment to draw conclusions


The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are:


PEO1:  应用 technical problem solving skills to develop innovative, 有效的, 以及复杂问题的可持续解决方案.

PEO2: Lead 多学科团队 to success by managing team dynamics.

PEO3:  Effectively communicate information for decision-making both orally and in writing to both technical and non-technical audiences.

PEO4:通过规划的多任务能力,不断平衡当今全球环境的同时需求, 组织, 管理和控制资源.

PEO5:  Combine 工程 and 业务 core knowledge to apply quantitative and qualitative methods to process analysis in 业务 systems.




SO1:   Have the ability to apply calculus-based math, 实验室科学, and 工程 principles to technical problem-solving.

SO2:   Gain the knowledge and abilities to lead 多学科团队.


SO4:   Build a skill set in written and oral communication through coursework, 项目, 还有课外活动.

目标5:平衡科学学科, 工程, 业务, and humanities to prepare for the changing workplace.

SO6:   Understand financial and information flows within and across organizations.

SO7:  Learn both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods.

SO8:  应用 a foundation of 业务 and management principles to making timely, 道德, 以及有用的决定.

SO9:  Learn to lead and manage organization change.

These student outcomes address ABET Criterion 3 结果1-7.  

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are:

该计划的教育目标支持土木与环境工程系的使命 which is to educate talented and motivated men and women to become successful 专业s through quality underesball国际app and esball国际app 专业的继续教育项目高度重视学生与教师的接触和互动.


PEO2:毕业生将成为具有有效沟通能力的环境工程专业人员, 团队合作, 和领导能力.

PEO3:毕业生将成为全面发展的公民,利用他们的教育为公共利益服务, with an understanding of their 专业 and 道德 responsibilities.[1]

PEO4:毕业生将成为表现出智力增长的环境工程专业人员, 持续的创新, 以及终身学习的承诺.


The Student Outcomes to Ensure Achievement of PEOs are:

SO1a:学生将具备通过微分方程应用数学知识的能力, 概率与统计, 微积分物理, 化学(包括化学计量学), 平衡, 和动力学), 地球科学, 生物科学, 流体力学, 制定物质和能量平衡, and analyze the fate and transport of substances in and between air, 水, and soil phases (ABET criteria 3, outcome 1)(解决PEO1)

SO1b:学生将体验, and have the ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, 包括实验室实验, 测量多种现象, 分析和解释数据, and use 工程 judgement to draw conclusions.  (ABET标准3,结果6)(解决PEO1)

SO1c:  Students will have the ability to apply 工程 design to produce solutions that meet specified needs for the public good[1].  (ABET标准3,结果2)(解决PEO1)

学生将具备运用学习策略和现代工程工具的能力, 识别, 制定 and design solutions for complex 工程 problems. (ABET标准3,结果7)(解决PEO1)

SO1e:学生将具备一个以上环境工程重点领域的基本能力.g. 空气、水、土地或环境健康. (具体的项目标准, 教唆犯标准3暗示, 结果1, 2, and 6; Addresses in part ABET Criterion 5(c))(地址:PEO1)

SO1f:  Students will have an ability to think creatively, 考虑风险, 作出取舍, and use informed judgement for the public good while functioning as an individual or on a team to solve complex 工程 problems and produce 工程 designs. ABET标准3,结果1、4、5、7和隐含在ABET标准3,结果2和6中.)(地址:PEO1)

SO2a:   Students will have the ability to organize 有效的 and concise 工程 reports and memos for a range of audiences (ABET CRITERION 3, 结果3)(解决PEO2)

SO2b:   Students will have the ability to organize and deliver 工程 work in formal oral presentations to a range of audiences. (ABET CRITERION 3, 结果3)(解决PEO2)

SO2c:   Students will have the ability to function 有效的ly on diverse, 多学科团队, 谁的成员共同提供领导, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, 建立目标, 计划任务, 满足工程设计解决方案的目标,满足特定需求,同时考虑公共利益. (ABET CRITERION 3, outcomes 3 and 5)  (addresses PEO2)

SO3a:   Students will have the ability to recognize and practice 道德, 专业, and 环境 responsibility in 工程 problem solving, 评价, and design based upon knowledge of the humanities and exposure to, 以及对, 环境 quality as well as the NSPE Code of Ethics for Professional Engineers. (ABET CRITERION 3, 结果1, 2, and 4)  (addresses PEO3)

SO3b:学生将有能力理解工程解决方案对环境的影响, and make informed judgements that consider the public good. (ABET CRITERION 3, outcomes 2, and 4)  (addresses PEO3)

SO4a:  Students will have an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, 使用适当的学习策略. (ABET标准3,结果7)(解决PEO4)

[1] “The public good”: In the practice of 工程 consideration of public health, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 国家, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素.

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are:

The educational objectives for the ME program are to produce esball国际apps who

PEO1:能熟练运用工程方法解决与设计相关的专业问题, 发展, 制造, and maintenance of mechanical systems and understand the 社会, 道德, 以及他们工作的环境背景.

PEO2: communicate clearly with diverse and inter国家 communities, collaborate competently in cross-functional teams, and assume leadership roles while meeting the expectations of their employers.

PEO3: habitually engage in 专业 发展.


In order to prepare our esball国际apps to attain these objectives, 我们希望我们的毕业生能够达到以下的学生成就:

SO1:识别的能力, 制定, and solve complex 工程 problems by applying principles of 工程 科学, 和数学.  

SO2:能够运用工程设计,在考虑公共健康的情况下,提出满足特定需求的解决方案, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素.

SO3: An ability to communicate 有效的ly with a range of audiences.

有能力在工程环境中认识到道德和专业责任,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of 工程 solutions in global, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景.

在团队中有效工作的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标.

SO6: An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, 分析和解释数据, and use 工程 judgment to draw conclusions.


The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are:

PEO1:  Graduates of the 软件工程 Program are expected to have advanced their careers as contributing 专业s in the software industry who apply fundamental software 工程 knowledge and analytical problem-solving skills in a wide variety of practical applications.

PEO2:  Graduates of the 软件工程 Program are expected to have become well-rounded citizens who rely on their education to serve society with an understanding of their 专业 and 道德 responsibilities.

PEO3:  Graduates of the 软件工程 Program are expected to have become 有效的 and responsible collaborators who function well in diverse team environments in the software industry.  一些毕业生将成为领导者.

PEO4:  Graduates of the 软件工程 Program are expected to have exhibited intellectual growth and pursue continual innovation in software 工程.  Those esball国际apps who are especially talented and motivated to pursue a esball国际app degree should be successful at entering and completing esball国际app studies. 


In order to prepare our esball国际apps to attain these objectives, 我们希望我们的毕业生能够达到以下的学生成就:

SO1:识别的能力, 制定, and solve complex 工程 problems by applying principles of 工程, 科学, 和数学

SO2:能够运用工程设计,在考虑公共健康的情况下,提出满足特定需求的解决方案, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素

SO3:  an ability to communicate 有效的ly with a range of audiences

SO4:在工程情况下认识到道德和专业责任的能力,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of 工程 solutions in global, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景

在团队中有效发挥作用的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标

SO6:  an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, 分析和解释数据, and use 工程 judgment to draw conclusions

SO7:   an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, 使用适当的学习策略.